Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that he is heartbroken with the situation in India due to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and has pledged support to aid relief efforts and purchase of critical oxygen concentration devices."I am heartbroken by the current situation in India. I’m grateful the U.S. government is mobilizing to help. Microsoft will continue to use its voice, resources, and technology to aid relief efforts, and support the purchase of critical oxygen concentration devices," the Indian-born Nadella wrote on microblogging platform Twitter.I am heartbroken by the current situation in India. I’m grateful the U.S. government is mobilizing to help. Microso…— Satya Nadella (@satyanadella) 1619402537000India has seen a massive jump in infections in the second wave that has left hundreds dead as hospital infrastructure in most states across the country under stress struggling to deal with the increasing number of patients. There has also been a shortage of oxygen for patients in cities such as Delhi, forcing the government to import oxygen and shift industrial production for medical purposes.Also Read: Startup ecosystem breathes new life into India's Covid fight
from Economic Times
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